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Fyaska the unladylike

Fyaska is a fierce, hardy northern dragon... You don't want to get on her bad side, that's for sure!

After I made my bust of Skrulk the Unkind, I knew right away that I wanted to make at least one "companion bust." My hoarfrost dragon Fyaska—one of my favorite Minifigure-scale dragons I've built—seemed the natural subject. And I'm very, very glad I chose to recreate her at this scale.

I greatly enjoyed returning to the "disposable colors" color scheme from my original Fyaska model. I made a handful of parts oders to get bricks in colors I needed; but I ordered the elements before I even started designing! The game for me quickly became "how can I implement these dang elements into the build?" It was especially satisfying for me to make a repeating texture on the neck with the lavender and light aqua elements I'd bought.

 Midway through building Fyaska's neck, I decided to sacrifice the poseability I achieved on Skrulk's bust for a fuller, more rounded neck. This is, after all, a display piece! I chose to change most of the horn bits on Fyaska's head to a pure, instead of dark, tan mostly because I wanted to use the 1x2 roof parts as her back spines.

This model was featured on The Brothers Brick.

See another dragon bust by viewing Skrulk the Unkind.